I just spent WAY too much time trying to get that stupid picture to fit in the header. i had the idea to add a little pizazz to my page & then couldn't decide what i wanted to add. i then decided i wanted a picture of some sort.. hmmmm, but what would be good? i decided on a picture that looks nice & peaceful. you can imagine that it would be a great place to relax, well, let me tell ya; it IS a great place to relax. The only sucky thing about it is it's location. No, i'm not saying that Sweden sucks, i'm just saying that it sucks that the beautiful, relaxing hilltop that i was sitting on is in Sweden i don't have the privilege to just walk down the street and take a seat atop that wonderful hill. This then causes me to wish that i had a place like that to go, only to realize i sit in an office all day & can't go exploring for hilltops that are beautiful & relaxing. all in all it all comes back to the fact that i can't relax no matter where i am nor do i have the time so why even look for that wonderful hilltop?
where is your special place that you go when you need to get a way from the stresses life throws your way?
Singin' in my Sleep
I like to think that I am a person that usually rememebers my dreams, i'd say at least 57% of the time. I had a good one the other night that i was involved in a slow speed, wild west, horse & carriage shootout. the best part was that I was making the bullets out of ice as we went along. The fact that dreams can be so random (or not, as mine proves to be) is indeed a strange thing. Another strange thing is when you wake up with a song in your head, you know what i'm talking about, right?. However, the mornings that i wake up with a song in my head i don't usually rememeber many of my dreams. I mean, just this morning i woke up singing "Crimson & Clover" by Tommy James & the Shondells. You know the part, "Cri i. i. mm s o. n and Cl o. o. v e.r, O. O. ve. r & O. O. ve. r". Yes indeedy, i truly have that song going around in my head Over & Over. WTC (what the crap), I have not heard that song in forever! what could i have possibly dreamt about that made me wake up singing that song? and when this stange phenomenon occurs, what do you think the chances are that i might have been audibly singin' in my sleep all night? weird.

Rain, Rain, Rain!!
i don't know how many people really know how much it has rained in central wisconsin over the past couple weeks but let let me tell ya, it's been a lot! I drove to chicago, to see my buddy joe, this weekend by way of milwaukie and about 40 miles west of madison traffic stopped. the four of us in the car were a bit annoyed that we weren't moving and still had a few hours to go. after nearly 2 hours and moving about 10 miles we came to the cause of the slow traffic; most of interstate 94 was under water!! there was water past the center line of the road and only one vehicle could go at a time. once we got past that it just poured rain for the next hour or so, i don't know the last time i've held the wheel so incredibly tight.
The next morning joe's wife rachel took a bus to minnesota and called when she got near madison and both directions of 94 were closed due to flooding!! i'm glad we made it past the night before prior to the road being closed.
keep everyone in wisconsin, illinois & iowa in your prayers as they are dealing with so much flooding, destruction and many evacuations.
The next morning joe's wife rachel took a bus to minnesota and called when she got near madison and both directions of 94 were closed due to flooding!! i'm glad we made it past the night before prior to the road being closed.
keep everyone in wisconsin, illinois & iowa in your prayers as they are dealing with so much flooding, destruction and many evacuations.
am i the only one?
As i sit here and watch the sunrise i had a thought of early morning hunting come to mind. Then i thought about this past sunday when i was waiting ever so patiently in the customer service line at Cabela's & truly enjoying this wonderful opportunity to people watch. there was one particular couple that shone brighter than the rest. a mid 60's woman was standing about 5'5" and was definitely a "good eater / frumpy". her husband, same age range & body type, was dressed in a very faded camo t-shirt, non-faded camo shorts w/ camo suspenders and sitting in a wheel chair. at first glance, this couple was a treat in itself because the dude had shoulder length hair too.. but then i overheard the service attendant ask him, "how tall are you?" Not only did i think this was one of the weirdest questions to ever ask someone in a wheelchair but when he responded with a British accents i think my jaw dropped a little bit. It's not like any of these things were bad, but the combination was just spectacular!
Sweden Trip 2.1
WE LEFT GOTHENBURG TOWARDS STOCKHOLM on Tuesday morning around 11am. It was yet another beautiful, sunny day; perfect for driving across Sweden! My sister had talked to some relatives back home prior to our departure and found out where a few of our ancestors lived, so we headed north in the direction of Lake Vanern (as we had some ancestors from that region). As we drove we came to a small town called Haverlund, there was neato aquaduct there. We took a nice little hike and decided that we were like 35 minutes away from where the family of long ago lived. This was as close as we got because we all figured we should get back on the road. Now its not like we didn't WANT to see exactly where we were from, but we were still hoping to make Stockholm and were about 4.5 hours away (without stops) and it was already almost 3:00pm.
We got downtown and started our tour. We were on our way to see the palace to see what time the changing of the guard took place when all of a sudden a tympani was pounding in the streets! a large group of horses rode past us with a soldier on each one. we booked it across the canal over to the palace and beat the horses there. We watched the changing of the guard, impressive.
I feel like we saw so much history in those 2 days in Stockholm that i don't know what else there is to see (yes, i know i am way wrong with that thought, i'm sure there is a TON more to see) Hopefully i will get the opportunity to go back and see the rest of it someday.
Well, this is not the end of my trip, but it is for now. There isn't too much left, just a couple more days ;)
Peace out!
Sweden Trip 1.6
2 weeks ago, at this very moment, i was soaring through the clouds on my way to Iceland. We landed in Iceland at 6:00am (1:00am our time) on Friday, May 23rd and everything that i experienced over the next 10 days seems like a dream.
We were only in Iceland a short 7 hours, but none the less it was pretty great. (see entry "Scandinavia Lands" for a few more details)
Onto Copenhagen, you may say, "Tim, you already wrote about Copenhagen!" to which i answer in a comanding tone, "yes, i did, but not very much!" SO, Copenhagen was a very nice place. i loved it. it was a beautiful day & it was quite perfect, about 70 degrees & very sunny (i was unfortunately in the shower while the sunscreen was being passed around and i missed out. I was very red at the end of the day). we spent all of saturday walking around this pedestrian & bicyclist oriented city. It is crazy, you have the sidewalk for walking (6 ft wide x 2), the bike paths for biking (8 ft wide x 2) and the roads for driving (5 lanes wide x 2) to cross a street with all of that is exhausting!... well, not too exhausting. I was amazed at how much everyone was out and about enjoying the day. the streets were filled with smiling faces, laughter and an occasional waft of cigarette smoke and i felt that most people were happy to be alive. We went to a few historic buildings such as Rosenborg Slot (the old castle at the center of the city) and a few different churches from back in the day. the amount of history here was awesome. We enjoyed the day by walking some more and then heading to the train station, getting on a train, leaving the country & onto Malmö, Sweden.
We were in Malmö just long enough to find out that the car we were renting wasn't at the train station, but was at the airport instead, an hour bus ride away. (OOPS! glad i didn't have to take the credit for that move)
We got to Göteburg around midnight & it wasn't completely dark yet (just a nice glow on the horizon, which was more to the north than to the west). The next morning, sunday, Aaron's parents came over to his place to have breakfast with us (they were there visiting for the past 2 weeks, very fun to have a mini family reunion all the way in Sweden) We then went to Aaron's church (Fisher's Creek International Church a branch of Fiskebäcks Missionskyrka - fisherscreek.net) where he is the youth pastor. After church we took part in the Swedish tradition of "fika" - "taking a break from work or other activities and having a coffee with one's colleagues, friends, date, or family." We were then invited over to the Jannerland's (practically Aaron's family while in Sweden) house for an amazing Swedish lunch. We headed up to a small village of Marstrand where we took a ferry to Carlsten’s Fortress, which was also amazing.
Monday was our tour of Göteburg by our very knowledgable guide, Aaron Thompson. We started off by walking on the "Postgaten" (the road the Swedish immigrants walked from the train station to the harbor). Just knowing that i was walking on the same road that my ancestors were on so long ago was a pretty cool feeling. We walked all around town, saw many restaraunts, shops and climbed a few hills to see awesome views. i don't think it would be much of an adjustment to move to a place like that.
Now that i've only written about the places that i already wrote about i'll leave you with that for now. Hope this has shown a little more of the amazing awesomeness that i was able to enjoy.

We were in Malmö just long enough to find out that the car we were renting wasn't at the train station, but was at the airport instead, an hour bus ride away. (OOPS! glad i didn't have to take the credit for that move)
Now that i've only written about the places that i already wrote about i'll leave you with that for now. Hope this has shown a little more of the amazing awesomeness that i was able to enjoy.
Back Home... will share.

I didn't get a chance to give as detailed of updates as i had hoped.... or as many. too bad. We got back to minnesota on sunday & I still kinda miss the great places i was able to visit the past 10 days. oh well, life goes on. Hang tight, I will give great details of my trip shortly, it was fun.

Ok, i gotta clean. pictures for house listing are being taken tomorrow. But first, i need to share that i played Kickball tonight for the first time this year (we're like 6 games into the season, oops) and it brought back all the feelings of joy that i had when playing a couple years ago. and if you're wondering, we won tongiht 14-3!

Peace Out World!
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