So...... to end a GREAT evening of Birfday celebrating, I decided to stop by Blockbuster on my way back to 3dudesplace tongiht and return "Meet Bill" starring Aaron Eckhart & Jessica Alba (I DO NOT RECOMMEND this movie, it was pretty stupid & even though there were a few funny parts here & there they were not funny enough to consider it worth your time), anyways, as i was then driving down a nice, quite neighborhood street i noticed something in the road in front of me, "what was it?" you ask? well, I wasn't REALLY sure. Whatever it was that is saw, it was grey, about 1.67-2.89 feet long (including tail), and stood about 5.4-7.23 inches tall. I came to a COMPLETE STOP in the middle of the road because, A: i didn't feel like hitting the thing & B: i was prety dang curious as to what it was. As i sat in my car, no way was i going to get out & allow this evil looking ratty spawn of lucifer the opportunity it was waiting for, and watched it walk slowly across the road i practically started convulsing. I thought it might be an Opossum, but since i had never seen a LIVING one walking across the road i couldn't be 100% sure. My mind began to wonder & (yes, i'm still convulsing) wonder what it was. After the Opossum thought, i thought, "could that be a rat? ......ugh..... if it is,..........ugh......... that is one large & nasty rat.......... UUGGHHH...... & it's in a regular neighborhood?! UUUGGGHHH. By now, the little bugger (i determined it HAS to be an Opossum.. JUST BECAUSE.) had made it across the road into someone's freshly watered lawn & i drove off still shaking & cringing for the next 1.4 miles home. ......... UUGGHH!! (yep, still cringing, that thing was GROSS!
OK, I DESPISE OPPOSSUMS..........uugghh!
PS: I do believe that my buddy Chris & I made an AWESOME "Sand Possum" on spring break '00!