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Costumes can be fun, exciting, cute, scary, skanky, boring or just not very original. Halloween is right around the corner which means there will be many people dressing up. I for one have enjoyed making my own costumes the past few years & am making one again this year. I think i know what i am going to be this year, but i am always trying to think of the most original costumes that i can.
The first costume i made was a "moth". have you ever seen anyone dressed like a moth? no, neither had i, which is why i wanted to be one. it was an original idea. two of my buddies had great costumes as well. Brad was "Beckham w/Posh" by his side (manikin head w/ dress) & Bormes borrowed his Grandpa's old Navy uniform & was a "sailor"/"popeye", good stuff.Next i was a "maple tree" which included an actual stuffed squirrel (thanks to my friend jenni, check her out @, she's great!) I enjoyed this costume. Brad was a "hot air balloon", also pretty good.Last year i was really struggling about what i wanted to be. I had bought some PVC pipe to use for one idea, but then changed my mind and decided to be a "balding eagle" (because i'm not bald) & used the pipe for my wings & nest. Brad was "a body of water" he had various 'water' things attached to him... (i'll just say... it wasn't his best effort)
I want to ask what you think the best costume is that you've ever seen/been/dreamt of/heard something about.I may throw out a few more 'great' ideas i've had, just to see if anyone else thinks they are as great as i do..well. let me know, eh?
Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary's definition is:
"A person who has an irresistible impulse to start fires". The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, defines one as: "A person who has a compulsion to set fires". Urban defines pyro as:
"Something that hundreds of kids call themselves. Thay are NOT pyros. Pyromania is a mental illness where the person sets things on fire or explodes things for satisfaction. Like all manias, it acts as an addiction and pyromaniacs will feel uncomfortable and uneasy. Thay won't be able to sleep or stay calm. Just because you carry a lighter around that doesn't make you a pyro."
Hmmmmmm......I wonder. OK, let's see if i can pass a simple "are you a pyro test" & then we'll know if i'm normal or not... maybe.
q1. do you ever get an irresistable impulse to start a fire? a1. yes, once a year.q2. do you ever light anything on fire for satisfaction? a2. yes, once a year. q3. do you feel uncomfortable or uneasy? a3. yes, most of the time (but in regards to what?)q4. are you able to sleep or stay calm? a4. umm.. i don't go to sleep before 12am & i can't relax! q5. do you carry a lighter around? a5. noq6. do you ever build large bonfires? a6. yes i do & am proud of it. (brad helps me)
OK, so if i answered the questions in the above test honestly, what do you think? would you consider me a pyro? Please let me know so i know if i should watch out for myself or not. Thanks!
... Oh, & just in case you're wondering what these pics are actually from.
here's the story: for the past 3 years we've celebrated brad's birthday in grand style by having a large bonfire that the 2 of us build a few weekends before whatever the big day arives which includes shooting guns, a wicked game of wiffle ball & finally burning a big fire... and yes, this year's was a pirate ship (like you couldn't tell).BOOYA!
Do you ever take the time to hear the sounds around you? I know that I for one rarely do. It seems that I am always going, going, going & don't take time to listen or....... think. I don't know if i just don't let myself take the time or if it truly does come down to the fact that maybe i can't relax. If the time ever comes along & i do actually relax, i just tend to fall asleep which still keeps me from my thoughts. dang, it's rough.There was a time this past weekend where i took the time to listen to my surroundings. I was sitting on the ground listening to a fire crackle & snap, the crickets signing away all around me, the sound of a slight breeze through the air & an occasional crack of thunder in the distance; it was really an amazingly peaceful time. I was actually starting to unwind and let my thoughts go when it started to rain causing me to stop thinking and go, go, go! i want to listen to & hear so many things in life that i don't take the time for. Maybe it's time I change some things up, re prioritize, sit back, breathe, block out the noise, pray, plan & relax a little bit; then, just maybe will i possibly hear all the incredible sounds of thought.
It's been over a week, but i am finally processing my thoughts from the Weezer show. It was great! I'm not really how to explain the show, but what show could be bad if the first song is "my name is jonas" and the last song is "buddy holly"? they played many more great songs in between alternating the duty of singing lead between each band member. the only downer for me was that they had tom delonge (angels & airwaves) sing w/ them on "undone (the sweater song)". why Weezer, would you take such a great, classic song & hurt it by letting mr. 'i used to be in a cool band & still think i am as big, funny & popular as i was in 1999' delonge sing on this song? i was sad by this. BUT all in all i give the October 3rd, 2008 Weezer show @ the Xcel in St. Paul a hefty 2 thumbs UP! oh, two more highlights for me were "say it ain't so" & "the greatest man that ever lived" good stuff.
It has been one week since i saw Sigur Rós & i am still a little taken back by how simply awesome of a show they put on. However, i unfortunately had to stop listening to them yesterday so i can prepare myself for Weezer tomorrow night. I am actually pretty darn tootin' excited to see these guys again. I saw them a few years back on their "enlightenment" tour but i think this current one, their "troublemaker" tour, will be better. I know their new album, (the red album), hasn't received the best of reviews, but i like it and if tomorrow's show is anything like the show they started off this tour with, then.... then i don't know what i'll think. hopefully i'll think that it couldn't get much better! I'll let you know how it went. but just for for fun, watch this video for "pork and beans"I must again appologize for not writing like i said i would, i've been busy. As i said, last thursday was pretty sweet & to make it a little sweeter, when the show was over i found out the Twins had beat the White Sox in extra innings to pull ahead by 1/2 a game in the AL central race.... too bad that since then, the regular season has ended, the 2 teams ended up having the exact same record and had a one game playoff in which the Twins lost 1-0 (sadness) and now the White Sox are trailing the TampaBay Rays 1 game to 0 (gladness). This past week also found Brad, Tara & myself traveling to my parent's house where we started getting some brush & wood ready for our annual bonfire. This saturday Brad & I will go back & work on our creation and then the party is on the 11th (i can't wait!). Last night i went to a preseason Wild hockey game vs. the Buffalo Sabres. we won 3-2. i really wasn't ready for the thought of hockey quite yet, i mean, it was only October 1st... BUT after watching just 2.35 minutes, i was hooked. I like Hockey! GO WILD! (i shouldn't do this, but i'm going to) I'm predicting that the Stanley Cup is coming to Minnesota! that's right, the Wild will be CHAMPIONS!! peace, i'm out.