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Impossibly Addictive!
It all started as a typical cold, cloudy, rainy & very dreary Mother's Day Eve. After i did some "people watching" w/ my sis, i arrived home to find my roommate, brad, in front of the television watching sports. i joined in because of my love for baseball, futbol & hockey. As we were both slowly losing interest with the Twins losing to Boston, I was struck with something. Ouch! A Rubber Band! I picked up that little strand of rubber and deflected it off the ceiling only to hit brad in the knee, i don't think that hurt too bad. Now, with his eyes shooting flames of anger combined with his stellar physics knowledge, he shot at the ceiling which then led to the rubber band getting me square on the top of my head, nice shot. i shot back, missed. The Twins were now looking kind of like dead fish, we lost focus on the hockey & this little game of shooting each other was now boring. Brad then points his finger in the direction of Brando's statue that is resting on the mantle (the statue that represents the horrible "Trail of Tears" that the Cherokee Nation suffered so many years ago) and says, "do you think i can get the rubber band around his head?"
We took a few turns shooting our one rubber band, missing the statue and then getting up to walk the 10 feet to pick that band up once again. This went on a good 7-12 "rounds" when i remembered that i have a stash of rubber bands in my room (i open the mail at work each day and it is bound with many rubber bands. i come home every day with 2-3 bands on my wrist). I came back upstairs with a few handfuls of bands and we continued to try and "Ring the Rider" (patent pending) and have continued to try every night since that crazy Saturday. Have we rung that rider you ask? Well, Brando has even joined in on the challenge a few times and with all three of us getting scars & bloody thumbs, the answer is..... NO, we haven't.
We have shot a few thousand rubber bands over the past 4 days and not once have we been able to "Ring the Rider". If you think you have the rubber band shooting skills to do so, come on over to 3dudesplace and show us what you've got!
Ring the Rider...I like it. Sometimes I like to play "Feed the wild rabbits in my backyard carrot sticks" however, they unfortunately don't like the game as much as I do.
PS. Is that a dreamcatcher I spy on the top of your post?
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