Hooray for Tuesdays!!
What's the deal with monkeys? why do they never cease to make people smile?
anyways, as another week is now under way i have a few questions that have come to mind. What's the deal with people not being able to communicate? don't we live in a world that has countless forms of communication? aren't e-communicatios supposed to save time and help us get things done in a timely manner? how is it that there are still thousands upon thousands of miscommunications per day? I'm not complaining about any one person in particular and if you think i am writing about you, you are straight up wrong. I just think it is strange that no matter how many people you communicate with in a day, there are always going to be a few people who don't understand what you are trying to communicate. Maybe someone skipped a word while reading (i've never done that) or maybe someone skipped a word while typing (i've never that either) or you wrote something with a little bit of sarcasm that was read by someone who has no sense of humor and the you suddenly realize that you shouldn't be communicating with someone if they don't have a sense of humor because they are lame! i dont' get it, what's the deal?
Will there ever be a day when all communication is smooth and wonderful, like the communications of the future that i dreamt about as a young boy? what's the deal? when will be be able to communicate via holographic message like in one of the star wars movies? whats the deal? when will we be able to talk to someone and be absolutely 100% positive that they for sure understand what we are trying to say when we say it in the most down to earth, common sensicle explanation ever possible? what's the dillio? why is so hard to communicate in such a communicable world? do you think we will ever solve this eternal mystery?
Not till Jesus comes back. Come on!
Even when you're clear as mud.. someone can misunderstand you.
I often judge if people get me by their reactions on their face.... some of my simplest statements have been taken offensively.. I think it's my tone! oops!
(hey didn't this happen on my wedding day? haha)
what!? you didn't hate me on your wedding day? yep, it was just your tone then. :)
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