
myndað af I am bak og hér þú ert

I am back and here you are!

I must first & foremost appolgize to all of my faithful readers who i have let down on a daily, possibly even an hourly, basis. The past month has been a very busy one to say the least and as i know that is a terrible excuse for not writing regularly, tough luck, that is the excuse you're getting.

So, i have left 3dudesplace (now appropiately named 2dudesplace) i have temporarily become roommates w/ my sister again, as i was back 2002, and so far it has been going great! except that i don't really have internet access, which kinda makes life different. AND you're probably asking yourself, "well, if you don't really have internet access how are you now writing on your amazing blog?" to this i answer, my sister has been gone all week so i do what i want & if that means stealing the internet access from the router in her room, well then, so be it. Ok, anyways.

Let's see, what else do i have for you? hmmm. not too much, i'll elaborate further at a later time but i spent the 1st two weekends of September in the great outdoors enjoying nature while camping in the BWCA (that's the Boundary Waters Canoe Area for those of you that don't know) w/2 groups of friends. I LOVE CAMPING!

OK, oh, you may also be wondering what the title of this entry is... are you? well, if you in fact are, it is in english at the top of this page, but do you know what language it is? I'll give just one hint; it is the language spoken by the band in the picture above. & they are playing at the Orpheum Theater in Minneapolis tomorrow (well, technically, tonight). & I will be at that show. & I have been beside myself for the past week in anticipation of this show. I actually started a little bit of hyperventalationating a couple of times today when i would here a song of theirs (which was all day) or see a video, such as THIS one.

you should check out their lastest album @ sigur-ros.co.uk for free!

ég vilja ég myndað af alls ekki verða að vinna á morgun & ég er mjög bráður fyrir Sigur Rós sameiginlega

Peace out!
P.S. it's good to be back.


Anonymous said...

It's good to have you back.

Anonymous said...

internet stealing...kind of like how I laptop steal (don't tell my roommate). What? Best Buy has had my freaking laptop for 5 weeks and counting...

Joey said...

What? You're living in White Bear Lake!!! Dude, I didn't know that, what happened to Applevalley?