One week ago today Aaron and I drove to a retreat center called Bokanäs (check it out at about an hour and a half north of Gothenburg.
The International church was having an annual retreat weekend and we had to go early and make sure everything was set for the weekend`s activities.
The weekend started with a welcome service at 8:30pm on Friday and was followed by Fika, (which I heard best described for Americans as “Fellowship”).
I instantly felt very welcome and soon was talking to many new faces, I even had one little kid grab onto my leg a few times because he thought I was his dad.
At about 10 a few of us younger adults went outside with the youth, about 15-20 kids between the ages of 7 & 18, and played tag in the dark, it was great!
The rest of the weekend went a little too fast, but it was very nice.
Saturday started with devotions at 8 and was followed by 3 hours of free time where we were able to enjoy the facilities a little bit.
Yep, a church retreat with the following:
- A breathtaking view of the ocean and many islands
- out door hot tubs
- a very large and brand new sauna which overlooked the ocean and islands
It was very nice. At 12ish, we met for lunch, which all the meals for the weekend were potluck style, very delicious! There was a lot more sitting, talking and laughing. It all felt like a family reunion, well, at least one of mine, since so many family things are held at a church and are potluck J The day ended after an evening service and as most people went off to their rooms, there were a few of us that went to the Hot Bästu (that is a hot sauna for those that don´t know). But this one was different than the one were in before, it was in it`s own building and it had a bridge going to it, and it was floating! So, there were about 8 guys, a few father & son combos, in one sauna and a few ladies in the other. After exactly 10 minutes we were told my Johan ( who was from Holland and had more sauna experience than the rest of us said that it isn't good to be in longer than that) that it was time to go. We all filed out of the sauna and onto the wet, slippery deck and into the cold wind and sprinkling rain. About 2 meters from the door the railing opened up and still single file, we began to dive into the VERY COLD ocean! IT WAS EXHILARATING! I did this 4 more times! I slept like a baby that night and we went back to Gothenburg the next day, after a short service and lunch.
Sunday night after we returned from the retreat with the international church we had to go to the Swedish church, Fiskebäck's Missionskyrcka, for our service call “The Well” (the part that I am working with). We had close to 30 young adults and one 55 year old Syrian man. The service started out with a few worship songs, parts in Swedish and parts in English. Ante, the Swedish youth pastor, went to the podium and started his sermon in Swedish, but thankfully Sara was beside him to translate as he went. The service ended with a time of Communion and prayer, and then everyone soon went downstairs for Fika. It was fun to meet so many new faces but I know it is going to be hard to remember all their names*.

After church, at about 21:30, Aaron, Sara and I were graciously given a ride to the ferry by Filip, a 23 yr old man with a heart for hospitality*, meeting new people* and God. We got out of Filip’s Volvo, yes almost anyone that drives here does drive a Volvo (1 in 4 actually), and got on the ferry to the island of Hönö (“Ö is pronounced oo”) in the Archipelago off the coast at Göteburg “Gothenburg” (pronounced Yo-ta-burry). Once we landed we got in taxi and drove 5 minutes to the island of Öckerö (pictured) where Sara’s family has a vacation home, it was her grandparent’s place until they both passed away. We spent the next 2 days relaxing, hiking and baking, yes I’m finding out that most Swedes do in fact bake on a regular basis and I might be learning how to as well, whether I want to or not ;). We also helped Sara’s dad and brother take their boat out of the harbor for the winter, a cool thing to see since I don’t do that stuff on a regular basis. Tuesday afternoon Aaron and Sara sat me down so we could finally talk about what exactly I will be doing here. All this time I thought I’d be helping out and leading a small group, which I will be, but I also found out that I am in charge of small groups, yep everything. Aaron and Sara will help as I need it, but they are really trying to spread the idea that they don’t have to do everything in the church, which they currently are. I am very excited for this, even though it might be a challenge to find leaders since, in general, Swedes don’t like to take “leadership roles”, they like to just let thing happen.
The rest of the week went well. I’m starting to get a somewhat regular schedule down, worked in the office at church and am getting to know rest of the church staff, they are all very warm and kind people.
I am now up to date, sorry I haven’t written much this first week, I think it’ll get a little better as my schedule is more regular. This weekend should be fun, a lot to do, I’ll tell ya all about it, I promise!
OOH! I almost forgot! Last night Aaron and I went for a walk with Andrew, who came from Connecticut to help with music, down by one of the harbors and as an introduction to Sweden, we jumped in the ocean in the buff! The water is MUCH colder when you don’t sit in a sauna for 10 minutes before jumping in. WOW it was cold, and it didn't help that as we were trying to dry off it began to rain a bit… and the wind was blowing that rain almost horizontally. Good times! J
Hej Då!
*I’ll explain more on this subject later.
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