
To My Loyal Reader

Where to begin... hmmm, well, much has happened since my last post, so here it goes:

I met a girl named Katie in February (I know that was before my last post) and she is the most amazingly fantastic woman I have ever met and I fell in love with her rather quickly instantly!   

Here's one of a few pictures my friend Rachel took for us while we were visiting her and Joe this summer. 

In August, my roommate, Jeff, got married to a wonderful gal (who's also named Katie).  Since Jeff owned the house, Riley and I moved in with my amazing friends Brad & Tara.  I enjoyed landscaping again this past summer and am subbing again this school year in a few districts, and still enjoy the variety it brings. 

Well, I think that pretty much sums things up...for now. :) 

Oh, and for Halloween, Katie and Riley were Pirates and I was a Robot. 


Anonymous said...

Oh.my.gosh...YAY!!! This makes me SO happy!!! :) I love her already.

Congrats Timmers! Any chance you'll be in CO for some boarding/skiing this Winter? Would love to grab dinner or drinks!

Timmer said...

I knew YOU would read this! :) and thanks! Unfortunately, I don't have plans to visit CO, but who knows what might happen.
Sorry to hear about your leg, I hope the rest of your recovery goes fast and painlessly!