
Already Wednesday!

I can’t believe that have already been here for one month! Wow, where does the time go? (…………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… actual reflective pause as sit and I think about all that I’ve done this past month …………………………………………

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I guess I can believe that it has already been one month, I’ve done quite a bit of stuff…. and have drunk more coffee than I have in my entire life!

So, as I’ve been giving updates every so often you may have notice something has been missing. What did I come here for? I came to lead a small group. Why haven’t I written much about these, “small groups”? I’ve been here for 1/3 of my time and I haven’t really even mentioned them. WHOOPS! Just kidding, it has been on purpose. Over this past month there has been a lot of planning, because (I think I mentioned it, but if I haven’t) I am in charge of starting all the small groups, not just leading one. I was given a stack of books and a few prayers. Now, it isn’t as bad as I make it sound, Aaron and Sara are both very helpful and the whole time they’ve told me that if I don’t think I can handle it, to ask for help, and I have asked for their guidance on a few things here and there. …Anyways, we had a meeting 2 weeks ago and anyone who was interested in small groups was invited, we had about 10 of 20 who were able to make it and we actually got 3 groups started that night. We set a very relaxed schedule for the groups to meet. Each group decides when they meet and where. This will provide the flexibility that so many students need in order to participate in a small group.

My group, which I am not leading, is meeting tonight for the first time at Pizzeria Roberto’s, a little restaurant here in Fiskebäck that serves Italian food and Thai food, it’s a strange combo, but pretty darn delicious! I had a few guys get in contact with me this week that were interested in joining a group so tonight I think we will be 7 or 8 people, and hopefully be able to divide into 2 small groups, we’ll see.

Well, things are definitely moving in the right direction and it is very exciting to see more and more people wanting to be involved one way or another. Keep praying!


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