these are my random thoughTs on random thIngs that don't really Mean that Much in thE gRand Scheme of life.
I moved!
i know, i know, you are probably thinking, “what? Where did he move to? I thought he already moved to Sweden?”well, it is quite alright if you are thinking that, but here’s the deal; I moved out of Aarons small, one room stuga which I’ve been sharing with him for the past 2 weeks and into a house.A couple from the Swedish church, Thomas and Birgitta Natanaelsson, have graciously opened their home to me.My walk to church each day is great!It takes about 10 minutes and the path is paved they whole way.There are trees along most of it, but one section is open and goes past a new playground.Now, I don’t think I’d ever see this playground in the States, why? Well, because it is made of logs! The first time I saw it I just thought, “lawsuit waiting to happen!” Yep, they even have a spinning log that I’m sure was made for Lumber Jack training, it is amazing! Well anyways, my walk is nice.Monday night the three of us were having dinner and conversation at around 6, and before I knew it, we were finishing coffee at nearly 9:00.They are both extremely kind, warm and easy to talk to.They said they want me to feel at home while I’m here and I definitely do.They’ve even given me a bike to use, oh and I have my own entrance to the house too. It is great!
Sounds like it will be perfect for you. Aaron's is a little on the small side :-) I would love to be able to walk or bike to work. Sounds like your time there so far is going well.
Sounds like it will be perfect for you. Aaron's is a little on the small side :-) I would love to be able to walk or bike to work. Sounds like your time there so far is going well.
Tim, I am glad you are settling in and finding "home". Sending our love, The Filsons
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