
I Love Cheese!

I love Cheese. yep, i really do. i had a nice chunk of cheddar today with my lunch and i had some wonderfully cheesy stuffed crust pizza for dinner. i am so very thankful for cheese. how horrible would this world be without it? i don't EVER want to know, i just love the stuff.

MMMMMMMMM, cheese.


Morning Breakfast

I was sitting, eating a bowl of cereal this morning, when brad walked into the kitchen and noticed a bunny rabbit sitting in our back yard. i watched that little guy for about 5 minutes & thought about the summer that i had 2 pet rabbits. have you ever had a pet rabbit? i don't know if they are usually nice and cuddly or what, but the 2 that i had were stupid. every time i'd try to pick them up they would just scratch & try to bite me. i think i "accidentally" left the cage unlocked one day after feeding them and to my surprise the next morning there were no more rabbits.


my new roommates

i recently moved into my friend jeff's new house in south minneapolis. jeff, brad & i moved in the 2nd week of february, are slowly getting settled and it is starting to feel like home. last weekend we got an additional roommate & she shares a room w/ me. Now, before you go getting any thoughts that i am sharing my room w/ just some girl, let me say that it is my dog, Riley! i am finally able to get her back from her 3.5 yr stay w/ my parents. I no longer feel like a father sharing custody of his child! it is great!


Time... to find a new dream

what is 'time'? is it just the way we measure our days, is it a certain period of life or is it a magazine? whatever 'time' is, i have A LOT of it these days!....well, not so much of the magazine, but all other forms.

close to one month ago, i was laid off from my job of 3.8 years. some people might think this is "too bad" or "so sad", but i think of it as a blessing in disguise. would i like to have a job right now? sure, i guess that would be good, but here's the deal: i didn't love my job (a hush falls on the audience w/ one woman gasping from shock) and am ready to move on.

i am looking at this time as an opportunity to find something that i love doing and am pretty excited about it, but here's the deal; i'm not sure what i want to do. i was doing: finance, operations, tech support, reception, inventory/supply ordering and an occasional 'stress therapy' session from time to time (co-workers would stop by the front desk w/somethings they needed to get off their chests or needed advice on. the highlight was seeing stressed people walk up to me & 5 minutes later see smiling people walk away). i also enjoy kids, adults, animals, computers, working w/my hands, being outdoors, having a somewhat flexible schedule and free weekends.

i will take any and all job suggestions, please help me find my dream!

Thanks, T