
My First Garden

Spring is finally here and i am getting very anxious about planting my very first garden. This idea is a little strange to me because while i was growing up i swore i'd never have my own garden. Why was i so against having a garden? well, every year my grandpa would visit from Seattle and plant our garden for us. This was no regular garden, it was practically a field, and he would always call to make sure i was weeding it regularly. i didn't like it at all, but for some reason i'm now ready to have my own.
I have to wait another month until i can put stuff outside, but so far i have a good start on a few peas, tomatoes, peppers, basil & broccoli. it is pretty enjoyable to see something that started as a tiny little seed that you put in the ground grow and begin to mature day by day.
i'll give more updates as i have them.

I've also been trying to figure out what else i like about spring. what are a few of your favorite things?


Brad said...

i like turkey hunting in the spring

Rachel said...

I love the smell of cut grass, hanging my clothes out on the line after they've been cooped up all winter, keeping the garage door open all day long and birds waking me up in the morning.

I guess I have lots of things I love!

What are you going to plant? I've been thinking of starting one but I haven't really any idea what to plant!

Becks said...