
The Land of Volvos

I think I once heard that 25% of cars on the road in Sweden are Volvos, this might be hard to believe, until you see it with your own eyes. Let's say you take a walk down any street, I will guarantee that soon there will be a Volvo past you, followed by another and then maybe even another. Yes, they are everywhere! There are a few good reasons, however, for this Volvo craziness:
#1. Volvo is a Swedish company.
#2: Volvo is based here in Gothenburg.

#2 brings me to my point for today. I went on a tour of the Volvo factory, Andrew and Johan were there too. It was a good time. we rode on what is called "The Blue Train", it is just a few small carts with seats that are pulled by a little golf cart type thing. We got to see almost the entire process of how a car is built, from seeing the rolls of metal being cut to seeing the cars be started for the first time. Now, I'm not that into cars or anything, but it was pretty cool. We went to fika afterward, good times.
After fika, I went to the Central Station, downtown, and bought 4 tickets to Stockholm. My parents and sister, Jen, are coming to Sweden on Nov 25th for a nice, short visit. On the 26th we are getting on a speed train at 6:00am and cruising across the country in 3 hours, by car it can take 6, to Stockholm. We will have a nice day of touring the capital city and then at 8:10pm, we'll get back on the train and head west, back to Gothenburg. I am very excited!

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